Love and spirituality complement each other and as such are inseparable. Love is feeling, it accepts and it shares. When it is present open communications prevail. The object or receiver of it blossoms . The source is fulfilled with an abundance of wonderful feelings. Love is caring about self, and caring about others. It’s transmission is spirit. Love is the ultimate expression of spirituality. How much we love ourselves and extend it to others is revealed by how we relate to others. If one is not good to the self he or she might do a job of faking love to others for a while, but it is not lasting and soon or later will reveal itself. Love and spirituality are a mystical pair and if derived from a divine source they will make magic.
Love’s transforming influence contributes to psychological and spiritual growth. Evidence of this is observing a person truly falling in love. More vigor is expressed. An enhanced attitude and greater appreciation for life becomes obvious. Personalities often change, health conditions improve. To YeScribe, love is spirit grounded in truth. It fuses energy into spirit. However, with love and spirituality being difficult to describe let it suffice for YeScribe to say that the greater a person’s level of consciousness of spirituality the stronger and more meaningful his or her moral fiber of love.
Roy Eugene Davis of the Center of Spiritual Awareness describes love as the fulfilling of the Law of Life. Considering that love is the law of life, it is nearly impossible to extend love if one does not love him or herself first. The level of love nurtured within one’s self is revealed in the respect, affection and spiritual growth the individual shows toward his/her family and others. We attract to ourselves good fortune or misfortune depending on our thoughts, our imaginations and beliefs. All three tend to follow an inner vision of possibilities.
No person, regardless of how hard one tries, can hide or secretly express love and affection. No person can grow spiritually without extending love in some manner; talk is cheap, action speaks louder. I love you is meaningless without evidence. So, at this very moment, regardless of age and conditions if one desires to express love or more of it, and enhance his/her spirituality do it and experience a more purposeful existence. Don’t be self-restricted by habitual modes of behavior; the universal law of causation can liberate one from self-inflicted bondage. First and foremost establish a cause, the desire for a shift in awareness, which will support one’s aspiration for a positive all-embracing lifestyle. Sincere aspiration will assure steady spiritual growth.
If he/she is uncomfortable expressing love, even though spiritual growth is sincerely desired, examine the relationship. What is the character and temperament of each person in the bond? What are their usual trends of thoughts? Are there addictive behaviors? Yes, these are hard questions. Some answers will require critical soul-searching. Whatever the answers, don’t play the blame game. Love and live up to one’s highest ideal. In the soul of each one of us is the answer to any perplexing question. Soul is superior to mind, body and any questionable circumstance.